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“Alex loves sports and hanging out at the beach. He is quite arrogant and brags to everyone that he is going to be a professional athlete. Is his cockiness just a facade to mask his crushing self-doubt? Is he using his sports dream to fill the void left by the disappearance of his parents? Or is he just a brazen youth trying to “look cool”
Dev Update #12

Alex Mullner is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. He's one of the ten characters available to marry.

He lives in the house just south east of Pierre's General Store.


During Spring, Alex exits his home at 8AM unless it is raining. He stands by the tree to the right of his house but moves towards the left of the fenced in area in the afternoon. On Summer days he can be found on the beach in the morning and running the ice cream stand left of the museum in the afternoon.


Monday and Tuesday

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves his room to go outside and stand beneath the tree to the right of his house.
1:00 PM Re-enters his house and goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves his room to go outside and stand beneath the tree to the right of his house.
12:00 PM Goes to Haley and Emily's house.
1:00 PM Inside Haley and Emily's house.
4:30 PM Leaves Haley and Emily's house to go stand by the dog pen.
5:10 PM Standing by the dog pen.
6:40 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
8:00 AM Exits his house and stands beneath the tree to the right of his house.
1:00 PM Re-enters his house and goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Rainy Day

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in the entryway.
1:00 PM Goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Monday and Tuesday

Time Location
7:50 AM Leaves home to go to beach.
8:50 AM On the beach.
12:00 PM Leaving beach to go work at ice cream stand.
12:50 PM Working at ice cream stand next to museum/library.
5:00 PM Heads home.
6:00 PM At home, lifting weights in his room.
7:00 PM Goes to stand in front entryway of house.
8:00 PM Goes to his room to stand by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
12:00 PM Standing outside house by tree.
1:00 PM Goes into house and lifts weights in bedroom.
4:00 PM Leaves house and stands by dog fence.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location


Time Location


Time Location
8:00 AM Exits his house and stands beneath the tree to the right of his house.
1:00 PM Re-enters his house and goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location


Time Location
8:00 AM Waits next to his bed.
9:00 AM Leaves his house to go to the Spa.
11:50 AM Works out at mens locker room.
3:00 PM Goes back to his house from Spa.
5:40 PM Goes to his room.
6:30 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
8:00 AM Waits next to his bed.
9:00 AM Leaves his house to go to the Spa.
11:50 AM Works out at mens locker room.
3:00 PM Goes back to his house from Spa.
5:40 PM Goes to his room.
6:30 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves his house and goes to the Spa


Alex lives with his Grandparents, George and Evelyn.


For an explanation on friendship points/hearts and how gifts increase them, please visit the Social page.

Birthday (Summer 13)

“You remembered my birthday? I'm impressed. Thanks.”


“Hey, awesome! I love this stuff!”

Universal Loves

Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Complete Breakfast.png Complete Breakfast You'll feel ready to take on the world! Cooking

Fried Egg.png Fried Egg (1) Milk.png Milk (1) Hashbrowns.png Hashbrowns (1) Pancakes.png Pancakes (1)

Salmon Dinner.png Salmon Dinner The lemon spritz makes it special. Cooking

Salmon.png Salmon (1) Amaranth.png Amaranth (1) Kale.png Kale (1)


“This is cool! Thanks.”

Universal Likes

Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Corn A vegetable that grows during summer and fall. Crops - Summer, Fall
Sashimi.png Sashimi Raw fish sliced into thin pieces. Cooking

Fish.png Fish (1)

Pizza.png Pizza It's popular for all the right reasons. The Saloon


Wheat Flour.png Wheat Flour (1) Tomato.png Tomato (1) Cheese.png Cheese (1)

Spaghetti.png Spaghetti An old favorite. The Saloon


Wheat Flour.png Wheat Flour (1) Tomato.png Tomato (1)

Salad.png Salad A healthy garden salad. The Saloon


Leek.png Leek (1) Dandelion.png Dandelion (1) Vinegar.png Vinegar (1)

Brown Egg.png Egg A regular brown chicken egg Brown Chickens
File:White Egg.png Egg A regular white chicken egg White Chickens
Large Brown Egg.png Large Egg It's an uncommonly large brown egg! Brown Chickens
File:Large White Egg.png Large Egg It's an uncommonly large white egg! White Chickens
Duck Egg.png Duck Egg It's still warm. Ducks
Honey.png Honey It's a sweet syrup produced by bees. Bee House
Kale.png Kale The waxy leaves are great in soups and stir frys. Farming - Spring


Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Coral.png Coral An ancient shell. The Beach
Duck Feather.png Universal Neutral Various items that elicit a neutral response from the villagers
Milk.png All Milk Milk • Large Milk • Goat Milk • L. Goat Milk CowGoat
Daffodil.png Daffodil A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Foraging - Spring


“Um... Okay. Thanks”

Universal Dislikes

Image Name Description Source
Wild Horseradish.png Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. Foraging - Spring
Clay.png Clay Put in a furnace to make a clay pot. Foraging - Hoe
Salmonberry.png Salmonberry A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest. Foraging - Spring
Void Egg.png Void Egg A jet-black egg with red flecks. It's warm to the touch. Void Chickens


“Are you serious? This is garbage.”

Universal Hates

Image Name Description Source
Quartz.png Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Foraging - The Mines
Stone.png Stone A useful material when broken with the Pickaxe. Mining
Poppy.png Poppy A flower blooming in the Summer. Farming
Dried Starfish.png Dried Starfish A starfish from the primordial ocean. It's an unusually pristine specimen! Beach

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

During Summer on a sunny day, visit the beach between 8:30 AM and 12:00 PM to trigger the event.

You will see Alex there with his gridball. He greets you and tries to toss you the gridball. You fail to catch it. He laughs and says it was a nice try. He goes on to tell you he's sure that he's going to become the first professional gridball player from Stardew Valley. He asks you what you think his chances are.
  • "I believe in you!" Alex thanks you for your support and says that he'll remember it.
  • "Wow, you're really arrogant."

He offers to toss you the gridball some more before the cutscene ends.

Four Hearts

Four Hearts.png

Enter town after 10:00 AM to trigger the event.

Alex is next to the dog pen near his home. He's talking to the dog, whose name is revealed as Dusty. He comments both him and the dog have been through a lot and that he feels misunderstood. Your character will come out from behind the Saloon. Alex asks if you heard any of that. You then have two options:
  • "Yes, I heard everything."
  • "Not really... why?"

Both responses lead to him revealing more about what he was talking about. He tells you that the reason he lives with his grandparents is because of his dad. His dad was an alcoholic and would verbally abuse Alex, calling him "worthless." One day his dad left, and shortly after his mother got sick and passed away. Alex then goes on to say that he shouldn't dwell on it and doesn't need sympathy. Trying to lighten the mood, Alex offers you the opportunity to see what Dusty will do for a barbecued steak.

Five Hearts

Enter Alex's house to trigger the event.

You approach him while he stares at his bookcase and laments the fact that he hasn't read a single book in it. He tells you he's worried that he won't get anywhere in life without being knowledgeable, and he feels worthless.
  • "That's crazy. You're a genius!"
  • "We all have our strengths and weaknesses"
  • "Worthless? Yeah, that about sums it up."

He decides that if he works hard he can accomplish anything. He suggests that you and him have dinner and discuss philosophy.

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Alex's house during a time when he's normally working out in his room to trigger the event.

He'll express doubt about being able to go pro as a gridball player. He apologizes to you for acting rude and arrogant and appreciates how you stuck with him despite all that. You'll provide some encouragement (no choices necessary) and Alex will return to his strength workout with renewed vigor.

Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts.png

During Summer on a sunny day, visit the beach between 8:30 AM and 12:00 PM to trigger the event.

Alex is sitting on the beach crying. You approach him and sit down next to him. He says today is the day his mother died 12 years ago. He regrets not being able to say "thank you" to her for taking care of him when he was a kid. The only keepsake he has left is his mother's music box. Alex opens it and plays it for the both of you. As the music plays, you see a vision of Alex's mother happily cradling baby Alex in her arms. As the music fades, he asks what you're thinking.
  • "Honor your mother's memory by doing your best everyday." Alex agrees and says that's why he's working so hard to be a professional gridball player.
  • "You shouldn't dwell on the past."
  • "I'll always be here for you if you get lonely." Alex thanks you and bashfully says you're his best friend in the whole town.
  • "You need to get over it. Life is tough."

After calming down, he says the two of you should head back to town. Before you leave, he nervously asks you not to tell anybody that he was crying. You laugh and walk off while he hurriedly chases after you.

Ten Hearts

Ten Hearts.png

In the morning he will send you letter to see him in front of his home after dark. Enter town after 8:00 PM to trigger the event.

Alex asks you on a dinner date. On the dinner date, he confesses he likes the player in a way that's more than just friends. You have the option to tell him you feel the same or that you don't like him in that way.


Go to the beach on a rainy day to find the mariner. Talk to the mariner and purchase the mermaid's necklace. After you give it to Alex, he will accept it and agree to marriage. Marriage will occur three days later regardless of season.


Alex's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Alex's style changed over the years before the game was launched. Alex was previously named Josh.

Alex Timeline.png
