
From Stardew Valley Wiki
Revision as of 23:14, 4 March 2016 by HarZens (talk | contribs) (→‎Task)
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A festival where all villagers gather on the beach to fill a giant potluck with brought along produces from every person.

Date: 11th of Summer (9am - 2pm)

Location: Beach



Bring one thing that you would like to add to the potluck.

It is stated that you should bring good quality produce. Putting in lower quality than gold results in an "average soup". However, putting in golden quality Parsnip, Horse Radish, Green Bean, Leek, or Hot Pepper also results in average.

Adding a silver or golden quality Template:ItemLink, Template:ItemLink, Template:ItemLink, Template:ItemLink, or Template:ItemLink results in "Ah... that's a very pleasant soup.". Adding in a gold quality Template:ItemLink yields the same results.

Adding a golden quality Template:ItemLink or Template:ItemLink results in "The best thing I've ever tasted!".

Adding a golden quality Template:ItemLink results in "This is actually quite disgusting.".

