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Rotten Plant.png  Warning: Spoilers  Rotten Plant 2.png

This page or section contains unmarked spoilers from update 1.6 of Stardew Valley. Players may want to avoid or be cautious toward reading this article/section.

This article is about non-fruit trees. For Fruit Trees, see the Fruit Trees page.

Trees that do not yield fruit are of two types: common and special. Common trees (Maple, Oak, Pine, and Mahogany) are valuable natural resources, being the primary source of multiple products: Wood for construction and crafting, Sap, Maple Syrup, Oak Resin, and Pine Tar. Special trees have their own unique characteristics.

Common Trees


A mature tree (stage 5) can be shaken for a seed (see Growth Cycle), tapped for syrup, or felled by chopping it repeatedly with an Axe. When chopped down, trees always fall left or right on the opposite side from the player (if applicable), and produce wood or seeds in that direction. When chopped from above or below, the tree may fall in either direction. If the tree falls into or near water, the items it drops may disappear into the water. High Magnetism is very helpful for quickly collecting the widely-scattered products. The products (not including those from the stump) are:[1]

  • Wood.png Wood (12-16). The possible 4 bonus pieces of wood are randomly added, based on Luck and Foraging skill. For players with the Forester profession, the amounts are 25% larger (i.e., 15-20 pieces).
  • Sap.png Sap (5)
  • Maple Seed.png Maple Seed (0-2), Acorn.png Acorn (0-2), or Pine Cone.png Pine Cone (0-2), depending on tree species. These are in addition to the 1 possible "loose" seed that may fall when shaking the tree. All seeds are only possible if Foraging skill is at least 1.
  • Hardwood.png Hardwood, if the player has the Lumberjack profession. The amount of wood is random: 50% chance for 0 pieces; 25% 1; 12.5% 2; 6.25% 3; 3.125% 4; etc. (without any fixed maximum number).
  • 12 Foraging experience points.

When tapped, a tree cannot be chopped down or shaken for a seed, unless the tapper is first removed.

A stump is left behind after a mature tree is chopped down. Removing the stump with an Axe yields:[2]

  • Wood.png Wood (4-9)
    • In single-player, 5 is the minimum, plus 4 bonus pieces are randomly added, based on Luck and Foraging skill. For Foresters, the total amount is 6-11 wood.
    • In multiplayer, the amount is fixed at 4 wood (5 for Foresters)
  • Sap.png Sap (1)
  • 1 Foraging experience point.

At stage 4, tree seedlings can be chopped down with an Axe. Products are:[3]

At stages 2 and 3, tree seedlings can be removed using an Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Scythe, or Weapon. If an Axe is not used, no products are dropped.[4]

  • Wood.png Wood (1) may be dropped if an Axe is used. The percent chance is ten times the player's Foragaging level (i.e., guaranteed at level 10), including Buffs.

At stage 1, tree seeds can be removed from the ground using an Axe, Hoe, or Pickaxe. The only product is the seed.

Growth Cycle

Each day, there is a 5% chance that a mature tree will generate a "loose" seed. This seed will be dropped if the player shakes the tree. Normally the loose seed matches the mature tree species, with one exception: for the last two weeks of Fall, shaking a Maple Tree produces a Hazelnut instead of a Maple Seed.[5] Note that Foraging Level 1 must be reached before any tree seeds become available -- including sleeping overnight and receiving the skill level up notification.

In addition, mature trees (including stumps) on the farm have a 15% chance each night of trying to spontaneously plant one seed in the ground.[6] One tile is randomly chosen, up to 3 tiles away from the parent tree in any direction. The seed becomes "planted", creating a new stage 1 tree, only if the tile is a valid location for a new tree. In particular, the chosen tile must be empty; trees will not destroy paths or crops.

Planted seeds grow through four stages before reaching maturity. Tree seeds do not require watering, nor do they require the surrounding land to be empty (unlike Fruit Trees): the land can be fully paved; trees can planted next to water or other features. As long as the seed can be placed in the ground, it can grow. The only limitation on tree seedling growth is that two mature trees cannot be side by side: a seedling will never grow past stage 4 if there is a mature tree in any of its eight adjacent tiles.

With Tree Fertilizer, trees will grow one stage every night, except at stage 4, which takes two days. In total, a fertilized seed takes five days to reach maturity. Fertilized seeds and seedlings will grow even in Winter; otherwise, trees do not grow at all in winter.

Without fertilizer, seedlings have a 20% chance each night of growing to the next stage, except at stage 4, where seedlings spend twice as long. The median growth time from seed to maturity is 24 days, although individual tree growth times will vary considerably. Statistically, 90% of seeds should reach maturity in 38 days (excluding winter), and 99% in 55 days.

Outside the Farm

Common trees in Cindersap Forest, The Mountain, Railroad, Quarry, Bus Stop and Backwoods can all be chopped down, tapped, or shaken for a seed. However, players cannot interact with the trees in Town.

Outside the farm, trees never spontaneously spread planted seeds. However, the player can plant seeds in any tillable ground (as long as the ground is un-tilled), which will go through the standard growth stages.

Any pre-existing trees that are chopped down outside the farm, and the stumps removed, have a 20% chance per night of reappearing as a stage 3 seedling (even in winter). After reappearing, it will grow as normal into a mature tree. If the stump is not removed, the tree will not regrow.


Unlike Fruit Trees, which produce Coal for 3-4 days after being hit by lightning, common trees hit by lightning are destroyed, leaving only a stump (and some wood or sap) behind.

Maple Tree

Maple Trees grow from Maple Seed.png Maple Seeds. When tapped, they yield Maple Syrup.png Maple Syrup every 9 days (4-5 days Heavy Tapper). Maple trees have a chance to drop a Hazelnut during the last 2 weeks of Fall.

Maple Syrup is the most profitable of the 3 types of common tree syrup.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Stump - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Maple Stage 1.png
Maple Stage 2.png
Maple Stage 3.png
Maple Stage 4.png
Maple Stage 5.png
Maple stump Spring.png Maple stump Summer.png Maple stump Fall.png Maple stump Winter.png

Oak Tree

Oak Trees grow from Acorn.png Acorns. When tapped, they yield Oak Resin.png Oak Resin every 7-8 days (3-4 days Heavy Tapper).

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Stump - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Oak Stage 1.png
Oak Stage 2.png
Oak Stage 3.png
Oak Stage 4.png
Oak Stage 5.png
Oak stump Spring.png Oak stump Spring.png Oak stump Spring.png Oak stump Winter.png

Pine Tree

Pine Trees grow from Pine Cone.png Pine Cones. When tapped, they yield Pine Tar.png Pine Tar every 5-6 days (2-3 days Heavy Tapper).

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Stump - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Pine Stage 1.png
Pine Stage 2.png
Pine Stage 3.png
Pine Stage 4.png
Pine Stage 5.png
Pine stump Spring.png Pine stump Spring.png Pine stump Fall.png Pine stump Winter.png

Mahogany Tree

Mahogany Trees grow from Mahogany Seed.png Mahogany Seeds. When tapped, they yield Sap.png Sap every 2 days (every day Heavy Tapper).

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Stump - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Mahogany Stage 1.png
Mahogany Stage 2.png
Mahogany Stage 3.png
Mahogany Stage 4.png
Mahogany Stage 5.png
Mahogany stump Spring.png Mahogany stump Spring.png Mahogany stump Fall.png Mahogany stump Winter.png

Special Trees

Special trees have uncommon properties and yields.

Mushroom Tree

Mushroom Trees are a rare occurrence on the farm. Each Fall, there is a chance for a fully grown untapped common tree (or stump) to change into a Mushroom Tree (or stump) during the night. A Mushroom Tree can also be grown from a Mushroom Tree Seed. These seeds do not fall from Mushroom Trees when shaken or chopped - they can only be obtained from Qi's Walnut Room. Mushroom Trees do spread like other trees, and yield Red or Purple Mushrooms when chopped down. They can be tapped and will yield Common Mushroom.png Common, Red Mushroom.png Red, and Purple Mushroom.png Purple mushrooms over time.

Mushroom Trees hit by lightning will be reduced to a stump and leave mushrooms behind, in the same way as common trees leave wood/sap behind. If the stump is left alone, the following Spring, it will regrow.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stump
MushroomTree Stage 1.png
MushroomTree Stage 2.png
MushroomTree Stage 3.png
MushroomTree Stage 4.png
MushroomTree Stage 5.png Mushroom stump.png

Palm Tree

Palm Trees are found in The Calico Desert and on Ginger Island. They do not drop seeds, but may occasionally drop a Coconut when chopped down or shaken. They cannot be tapped.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 - Desert / Island Stump
Palm Stage 1.png
Palm Stage 2.png
Palm Stage 3.png Palm Tree Island Portrait.png
Palm stump.png


  1. Tree::extraWoodCalculator(), Tree::tickUpdate()
  2. Tree::extraWoodCalculator(), Tree::performTreeFall()
  3. Tree::performBushDestroy()
  4. Tree::performSproutDestroy()
  5. Tree::shake(), Tree::dayUpdate()
  6. Tree::dayUpdate()


  • 1.1: You can no longer tap a stump.
  • 1.3.27: Breaking small tree stumps now provides +1 Foraging XP.
  • 1.4: Fixed bug that caused a stage 2-3 sapling to make a scythe sound when watered. Fixed bug that prevented trees from dropping seeds and seeds disappearing when harvested if a Foraging level up occured during the day. Planting tree seeds outside the farm no longer requires the spot to be tilled. (This also prevents planting in non-tillable areas dug up by Artifact Spots in Winter).
  • 1.5: Added Mahogany Tree.