Fish Pond

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Fish Pond
Fish Pond.png
Raise fish and harvest their produce. Fish multiply over time.
Build cost data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5,000g
Build materials Stone.png Stone (200)Seaweed.png Seaweed (5)Green Algae.png Green Algae (5)
Size 5x5
Article Stub

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  • Initial page

The Fish Pond is a type of farm building purchasable from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop. It takes three days to build and occupies a 5x5 tile space.

The fish pond can hold and raise most types of fish, including Night Market Fish, Crab Pot Fish and beach forageables such as Sea Urchins and Coral. Each pond holds one type of fish.

When attempting to throw a Legendary Fish into the pond, a prompt appears that states the fish would not be happy there.

You can raise the capacity of the pond by completing quests from the fish.

You receive quests from the fish when their pond is full, up to a maximum capacity of 10 fish. The quests vary in difficulty depending on the rarity and type of fish. Selecting the “empty pond” option in the fish pond menu will empty the pond completely, and the fish will be lost.

Every fish in your pond converts to normal quality and will slowly reproduce as long as the pond is occupied by less than 10 fish. The exception is the Tiger Trout, which can give roe, but not reproduce.

The Lava Eel, Super Cucumber, Slimejack, and Void Salmon change the color of the water upon completing the first quest.