Modding:Console commands

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Stardew Valley's developers added several hidden debug commands to test the game. This page documents them.

Accessing debug commands

These are for advanced users only. These commands may crash or break your save if used incorrectly.

You can run debug commands in the SMAPI console (the terminal window that opens alongside the game) through the debug command, assuming you have the bundled TrainerMod installed:

debug where Robin
> Robin is at Farm, 21,4


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Many commands that ask for an NPC (such as faceDirection) can take 'farmer' as well.

Items, tools, loot, debris, inventory
command description
shears Adds Shears to your inventory.
pickaxe Adds a basic Pickaxe to your inventory.
Aliases: pickax, pickaxe.
pole Adds a Bamboo Pole to your inventory.
itemnamed <string itemName> [int count] Adds [count] of the item named <itemName> to player inventory. The <itemName> is the full item name, with punctuation but no spaces (like miner'streat). If [count] isn't specified, defaults to 1.
Aliases: in.
slingshot Adds a Slingshot to your inventory.
wand Adds a Return Scepter to your inventory.
can Adds a basic Watering Can to your inventory.
Aliases: wateringcan.
pan Adds Copper Pan to your inventory.
hoe Adds a basic Hoe to your inventory.
ax Adds a basic Axe to your inventory.
mp Add a Milk Pail to your inventory.
lantern [broken] Adds a Lantern to your inventory. However, the game freezes if you try to use it.
fillbackpack Fills your inventory with random items until full.
Aliases: fbp, fill, fillbp.
skullkey Adds the Skull Key to your wallet.
darkTalisman Adds the Dark Talisman to your wallet and makes the Witch's Hut accessible. Removes the Magic Ink, if you have it.
removeObjects Clears all objects from the current location.
removeDebris Removes all debris (such as dropped items).
Aliases: mainmenu, mainMenu.
TODO: are these aliases correct?
museumloot Marks artifacts as found and adds minerals to your inventory. Stops when your inventory is full.
TV Adds a TV to your inventory.
weapon <int weaponID> Gives the weapon matching <weaponID> to the player. (For example, weapon 12 spawns a Wooden Blade.)
gold Adds a large sum of money to your inventory.
refuel Sets Lantern fuel to maximum (unimplemented feature).
fillbin Adds five items (24, 82, 136, 16, 388) to the shipping bin.
Aliases: fb.
NPCs, character actors, interactions, relationships
clone <S:NPC> - Makes a copy of <NPC>'s actor and places it to the current location.
sb <S:NPC> - Puts "Hello! This is a test" in a bubble above <NPC>'s head.
sf, setFrame <I> - Sets and stops the player actor's current animation at the given frame.
fd, face, faceDirection <S:NPC> <I:dir> - Sets <NPC> to face in <direction>
jump <S:NPC> <I>- makes the given NPC/player actor jump once, at velocity <I>.
c, cm, canmove - Force-enables movement for the player actor. Force-closes inventory menu, presumably other menus and dialogue as well.
stoprafting - Ends the "is.Rafting" action. (Presumably an unimplemented feature.)

db <S:NPC> - Triggers the relevant dialogue with <NPC>, or by default, Pierre. Counts as having spoken to that NPC. Prints "Stack empty" in console if the NPC has no more dialogue at that time.

divorce - Makes the player divorce from their current spouse that night.
minigame makeEx <S:NPC> - sets <NPC>'s relationship to Farmer as "divorced".
marry <S:NPC> - Marries the player to <NPC>.
friendAll - Sets all NPCs to 10 hearts (or 8 hearts for bachelor/ettes that you aren't dating).

leaveEvent, endEvent - Ends the current event, but also clears all previous events seen, dialogue questions answered, and mail received. Clarify: For that day or entirely?
busDriveBack - BusStop.busDriveBack()
wedding - 
eventOver - 
train - Makes a train pass through Stardew Valley.
ccloadcutscene - 
ee - Ends and restarts current event (heart events only?). Outside of events, warps player actor to (0,0) on current map.
minigame blastoff - presumably starts a specific heart event of [[Maru]].
minigame cowboy - presumably starts a specific heart event of [[Abigail]].
end - Starts the Stardew Hero Celebration event.
Quests, world objectives, in-game achievements
quest <I:ID> - Adds quest the ID <ID>.
bundle <I:ID> - Marks bundle <ID> as completed.
completeCC - Sets the Community Centre as complete.
completeQuest <I:ID> - Marks quest <ID> as complete.
caughtFish, fishCaught <I:AMT> - Sets the number of fish caught to <AMT>.
where, whereis <S:NPC> - Prints the location and coordinates of <NPC> in the console.
dp, dap, daysPlayed - Displays the number of game-days played on the save.
pm, panmode, panMode, - On/off toggle for map-panning view; pan map with WASD when toggled on.
version - Prints the SDV version number in console.
localInfo - Prints a bunch of debug information about the current location in the console.
characterInfo - Displays number of characters on the current map.
Player character stats, skills, recipes, and player actor properties
fishing <I> - sets player Fishing skill to <I>
heal - Sets player health to maximum.
speed <I> - Increases player actor speed by the given amount. (1 is equal to the speed increase from coffee.)
cooking - Teaches the player all cooking recipes.
energize - Sets player energy to maximum.
die - Sets the player's health to minimum, making them pass out.
money <I> - Set player money to given integer.
specials - Sets all special access conditions to true (Sewers, Skull Cave, Club, Witch's Hut, Dwarf), and gives the player the [[Special Charm]].
festivalScore <I:score>- adds <score> to Farmer's grange display score at Stardew Valley Fair
toggleCatPerson - Toggles the selected pet species.
seenmail <I:ID> - Adds letter <ID> to the list of those the farmer has already received and read.
Farm, crops, fruit trees, livestock, pets, farm buildings
minigame setUpFarm - tills certain patches of land; adds 20K money; adds a silo, a coop, and a barn; adds shears, milk pail, and full stacks of items 472, 473, 322, 388, and 390; upgrades all four tools to iridium level.
upgradebarn, barn - upgrades player barn(s) one level
growCrops <I:AMT> - Advances all crops in the current location <AMT> days.
house, houseUpgrade, hu <I:LVL> - Up/downgrades your house to the given level.
fenceDecay - presumably sets the rate of fence decay
bc, buildcoop - 
coop, upgradecoop - upgrades player coop(s) one level.
spreadDirt - On the farm, till all tillable dirt that is currently untilled and unoccupied by actors.
removeDirt - On the farm, until all tillable dirt. Will destroy all crops!
minigame befriendAnimals - Sets your friendship with all of your (present) animals to 1000. Must be used inside a coop or a barn.
fixAnimals - Presumably, moves all livestock to their home buildings.
Map, locations, terrain features, time and weather
minelevel <LVL> - Warps Farmer to given [[Mines]] level.
warp <S:MAP> <I:X> <I:Y> - warps Farmer to <MAP> at (<X>, <Y>).
removeLights - Disables light effects on the current map.
clearLightGlows - Removes light glow textures on current map.
dayUpdate [I:AMT] - Progresses the game either 1 or [AMT] days.
al, ambientLight - 
time <TIME> - set game time of day, <TIME> format is military time (24 hours, no colon).
rain - Toggles whether current [[weather]] is rain.
cmenu, customize, customizeMenu - Opens the character menu (new game, not wizard).
bloomDay - The game's bloom. Doesn't work.
cat <I:X> <I:Y> - Adds a cat at (<X>, <Y>) in the current location.
question - Marks a particular dialogue question as answered.
growgrass <number> - Adds <number> grass to your current location. May freeze the game if used outside of the farm.
petToFarm - Moves the player's pet to the farm at (54, 8) if it isn't raining.
junimoStar - (CC.characters[0] as junimo).returnToFetchStar
growAnimals - Makes all animals in the current location (must be an animal house) grow up.
bluebook - Adds a blueprint to your inventory.
removeTF, removeTerrainFeatures - Removes all terrain features from the current location.
removeFurniture - Removes all furniture from the current location.
rfh, readyForHarvest <I:X> <I:Y> - Sets the object at (<X>, <Y>) to be ready in one minute. Also sets stones to 1 health.
resource <I:ID> <I:AMT> - Marks some debris as collected, useful for quests. 0=copper, 2=iron, 4=coal, 6=gold, 8=money (somewhat random amount), 10=iridium, 12=wood, 28=lantern fuel
craftingrecipe <S:str> - Adds the recipe for <str> to your known items.
setstat <S:stat> <I:num>- Sets the stat <stat> to <num>. (<stat> is property in StardewValley.Stats)
conventionMode - Toggles Game1.conventionMode
jn, junimoNote <I:ID> - Adds junimo note <ID>.
resetJunimoNotes - presumably resets all JunimoNotes to not-seen status.
hurry - 
makeInedible - Makes the item the player is holding inedible.
toss - Vial drop animation plays at the player actor's location-
completeJoja - presumably set completeJoja value to true (or input value)
zl, zoomlevel - 
eventseen, seenevent <I:ID> - adds given event's ID to the list of Seen Events. Useful for enabling access to event-dependent areas or events.
sl - Switches items in player inventory one row down, looping to top. Useful for browsing inventories larger than 36 spaces.
sr - Switches items in player inventory one row up, looping to bottom. Useful for browsing inventories larger than 36 spaces.
shirt - 
b, bi, big, bigitem - 
facePlayer - presumably makes given NPC actor face player actor
j, aj, addJunimo - 
deleteArch - 
ns, nosave, noSave - 
water - Irrigate all tilled land on the current map.
growAnimalsFarm - 
wp, wallpaper - Inside the current farm building, switches all wallpapers to the next available wallpaper counting from (assumedly) the left/topmost room.
tool - 
fo, frameOffset - 
m, mv, musicvolume - 
emote - 
remoteLargeTF - 
spawnweeds <number> - Spawns <number> weeds in your current location. May freeze or crash the game if used outside of the farm.
lu, lookup - 
speech - 
ps, playSound - 
wc, warpCharacter - 
fruitTrees - 
animalInfo - 
ff, furniture - 
pixelZoom <LVL> - sets the graphical zoom level the game displays at--takes integers, 1 is 100% pixel size, default is 4 (400% pixel size). Movement does not scale. Changes in zoom level may put the player actor outside the boundaries of the map.
achieve - 
sdkinfo, steaminfo - 
morepollen - 
specialItem - 
levelup - 
kms, killMonsterStat - 
backpack - 
child, kid - 
allbundles - 
movebuilding - 
mft, mailForTomorrow - 
ccload - 
minigame - 
addOtherFarmer - 
addAllCrafting - possibly adds the achievement for having crafted every item
plaque - 
horse <I:X> <I:Y> - Spawns a new horse on the current map at (<X>, <Y>).
sprinkle - 
i, item - 
owl - 
removeQuest - 
w, wall - 
KillAllHorses - 
skinColor - 
debrisWeather - presumably changes the current weather to windy.
clearMail - 
cookingrecipe - 
clearCharacters - 
dialogue - possibly initiate dialogue by ID
test - changes game display to a swatch list of floorings, which can be clicked once to return to normal game display
fish - 
year - 
crafting - Teaches the player all crafting recipes.
f, floor - 
killAll - possibly abort all operations on machines. Does not affect monsters on farm or in mines.
beachBridge - presumably fixes the bridge separating the beach parts
achievement - 
slimecraft - 
LSD - 
build - 
farmMap - 
blueprint - 
upgradeBarn - 
season - presumably timeskips to the 1st day of the given season.
friend, friendship,  - presumably sets the friendship point value with the given character to the given value.
save - Saves the game. Doesn't work.
gamePad - 
coopDweller - 
hairStyle - 
spreadSeeds - 
removeBuildings - 
addKent - Adds Kent to the game.
getstat - 
doesItemExist - 
clearSpecials - 
pants - 
gamemode - 
barnDweller - 
bloom - 
viewport - 
day - 
upgradeCoop - 
dog -  Presumably adds a dog at (<X>, <Y>) on the current map.
busDriveOff - 
child2 - 
playMusic - 
resetMines - 
hat - 
r - 
hairColor - 
waterColor - 
ring - 
clearFurniture - 
boots - 
event - 
resetAchievements - Resets the Steam achievements.