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A place to grow crops from any season, year round!
Build cost All Pantry Bundles completed
data-sort-value="35000">Gold.png35,000g for Joja
Build materials None
Size 7x6

The Greenhouse is a building present on the farm from the outset. However, it is initially in a state of disrepair, making it unusable. You can repair it by completing the Pantry bundles for the Community Center, or by a purchase from the Joja Community Development Projects for data-sort-value="35000">Gold.png35,000g.


The interior of the building features a 10-row-by-12-column plot of land. There, you can plant, grow, and harvest Crops at any time of year without reference to normal season restrictions. Scarecrows are not required in the greenhouse to prevent crows from eating crops. Crops do need to be watered, even on rainy days. There is a water trough along the north wall. Standing on its east side, you can refill your Watering Can. Fertilizer in the greenhouse lasts for one season only.

There is a wood border one tile thick surrounding the crop rectangle. It is possible to place sprinklers on this border to water any of the tiles of the crop land within its reach.

Between the wood border and the greenhouse walls is a region two tiles thick that is unsuitable for crops, and populated along the walls with decorative items (plants, tools, barrels, water trough). It is possible to plant fruit trees anywhere in this region, even on top of decorated tiles, so long as there are two tiles between fruit trees. Neither the greenhouse wall nor the wood border itself will impede the growth of the fruit trees, although a one-space separation must be maintained between the tree and any items (like sprinklers) that are placed on the wood border or exterior region during the time the tree is growing.

Crops and fruit trees in the greenhouse will never be hit by lightning.

Bee houses placed inside of the greenhouse produce no honey.

Optimizing Yields

Given that the greenhouse permits the production of most crops, regardless of season, its limited growing space is most valuable and should not be wasted. Crops that yield multiple harvests can be allowed to continue producing indefinitely without need for replanting, although fertilizer will expire.

Sprinkler Arrangement

If you intend to use automated sprinklers to water crops, some soil tiles must be sacrificed to place the sprinklers. The growing area is too large for any sprinkler to water the center from any edge. In addition, the 12-by-10 shape of the farmable area cannot be covered only with the square shapes of sprinkler watering.

The many possibilities yield various optimal sprinkler placements that cover the soil tiles while using the fewest possible sprinklers in plantable locations. Some sprinklers are inevitably placed on the wooden border. With iridium sprinklers, only 4 crop spaces (3.3%) must be taken, while with quality sprinklers, 12 crop spaces (10%) are occupied.

Fruit Tree Arrangement

Fruit trees can be grown anywhere in the exterior region of the greenhouse so long as other tiles adjacent to each tree are empty of items the player has placed there. Neither the greenhouse walls nor the wood border around the crop rectangle alone impede fruit tree growth. Even the corner tiles of the greenhouse, in which the walls appear to slant through the tile, are still available for planting and unhindered growing.

By planting fruit trees adjacent to the wood border, one avoids planting over the top of the decorative items that border the greenhouse wall. In this type of configuration, it is possible to grow as many as 18 fruit trees inside the greenhouse. One possible optimal placement is displayed in the image that follows. Note that the two left sprinklers should not be added until the adjacent fruit trees have fully grown.

By planting fruit trees along the wall, one avoids any concerns during the growth period over the placement of sprinklers that exist on the wood border. By starting from the northeast corner and planting trees as closely as possible in both directions until the door is reached, it is possible to grow as many as 21 fruit trees inside the greenhouse. This tightest configuration requires planting on top of any decorations on needed tiles, including the west half of the watering trough (which does not hamper its use for filling the water can). Whatever configuration you use, be sure to avoid planting the tile directly east of the water trough (your filling spot), lest you render the trough unusable.


You may find it desirable to abstain from planting fruit trees along at least some of the south side of the greenhouse. At full growth, trees in those locations tend to block your direct view of some crop land and its contents, even though you can gain a dimmed view by moving to the north of an obscuring tree. The same effect can be observed outside of the greenhouse, which should help you to decide what your preferences are.



  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.07: Trees can no longer be planted on perimeter tiles around the soil area.
  • 1.1: Trees can once again be planted on outside perimeter tiles.