Modding:Tokenizable strings

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This page documents tokenizable strings, a built-in way to build display text which can contain any combination of literal text, translations, and placeholder values.



You can only use tokenizable strings in data fields that specifically allow them (which will be indicated in the wiki docs).

A tokenizable string can contain any combination of literal text and tokens (listed below). For example:

"Dialogue": "Welcome to Pierre's! How is [FarmName] doing?"

When using Content Patcher, you can use its tokens anywhere in the string (including within square brackets); they'll be expanded before the game parses the string. For example, "{{Spouse}} would love [ArticleFor [SuggestedItem]] [SuggestedItem]!" would output something like "Abigail would love an Apple!".

Token format

A token is a predefined placeholder which produces text, wrapped in square brackets. Token names are not case-sensitive, so [LocalizedText] and [LOCALIZEDTEXT] are equivalent.

For example, this will show a message like "Welcome to Pierre's! This is raw text":

"Dialogue": "[LocalizedText Strings\StringsFromCSFiles:ShopMenu.cs.11488] {{i18n: some-translation}}"

Token argument format

A token can optionally have arguments (which can in turn contain tokens). In the above example, the LocalizedText takes one argument (the translation key to display). Arguments are space-delimited, so you need to use EscapedText to pass an argument containing spaces:

"Dialogue": "[LocalizedText [EscapedText Strings\BundleNames:Quality Fish]]"


Here are the tokens provided by the base game:

token format output
[AchievementName <id>] The translated display name for an achievement from Data/Achievements. For example, [AchievementName 5] will output A Complete Collection in English.
[ArticleFor <word>] The grammatical article (a or an) for the given word when playing in English, else blank. For example, [ArticleFor apple] apple will output an apple.
[CharacterName <name>] The translated display name for an NPC, given their internal name.
[DayOfMonth] The numeric day of month, like 5 on spring 5.
[EscapedText <text>]
Marks a snippet of text as a single argument, so it can be safely passed into another token's space-delimited arguments even if it's empty or contains spaces.

For example, the SpouseFarmerText expects two arguments separated by spaces. This passes an empty string for the first one, and text containing spaces for the second:

[SpouseFarmerText [EscapedText] [EscapedText spouse 28 63 2]]
[FarmerUniqueID] The target player's unique internal multiplayer ID
[FarmName] The farm name for the current save (without the injected "Farm" text).
[FarmerStat <key>] The value of a tracked stat for the current player. See the PLAYER_STAT game state query for a list of useful stats.

For example:

"You've walked [FarmerStat stepsTaken] so far."
[GenderedText <male text> <female text> Depending on the target player's gender, show either the male text or female text. If the text contains spaces, you'll need to escape them using EscapedText.
[ItemName <id> [fallback text]] The translated display name for an item based on its qualified or unqualified item ID. For example, [ItemName (O)128] will output Pufferfish in English.

If the item doesn't exist, it'll output [fallback text] if specified, else Error Item (<id>).

[LocalizedText <string key>]
[LocalizedText <string key> <token values>+]
Translation text loaded from the given translation key. If the translation has placeholder tokens like {0}, you can add the values after the string key.
[LocationName <location ID>] The translated display name for a location given its ID in Data/Locations.
[MovieName <id>] The translated display name for a movie from Data/Movies. For example, [MovieName spring_movie_0] will output The Brave Little Sapling in English.
[NumberWithSeparators <number>] Format a number with thousands separators based on the current language. For example, [NumberWithSeparators 5000000] will output 5,000,000 in English.
[PositiveAdjective] A random adjective from the Strings\Lexicon data asset's RandomPositiveAdjective_PlaceOrEvent entry.
[Season] The current season name, like spring.
[SpecialOrderName <id>] The translated display name for a special order from Data/SpecialOrders. If the special order is currently active, it'll show the same name shown in the quest log. For example, [SpecialOrder Caroline] will output Island Ingredients in English.
[SpouseFarmerText <spouse is farmer text> <spouse is NPC text> Show a different text depending on whether the target player's spouse is a player or NPC. If the text contains spaces, you'll need to escape them using EscapedText.
[SpouseGenderedText <male text> <female text>] Equivalent to GenderedText, but based on the gender of the player's NPC or player spouse instead.
[SuggestedItem [interval] [sync key]] (For shops only.) The name of a random item currently available in the shop stock.

The result will be identical for all queries with the same [sync key] during the given [interval] (one of tick, day, season, year), including between players in multiplayer mode. If omitted, they default to day and the shop ID respectively.

[ToolName <id> [upgrade level]] The translated display name for a tool, including its upgrade level if specified. For example, [ToolName (T)IridiumAxe] will output Iridium Axe in English.

Extensibility for C# mods

  • C# mods can define custom tokens by calling TokenParser.RegisterParser("tokenName", ...). To avoid conflicts, custom token names should apply the unique string ID conventions.
  • The TokenStringBuilder class provides methods for creating token strings. For example, TokenStringBuilder.ItemNameFor(item) will produce a string like [ItemName (O)128] or ItemNameWithFlavor SmokedFish (O)128].