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(+ placeholder section for SMAPI 3.0 events)
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SMAPI 3.0 will introduce a new event system that's much more powerful, flexible, and consistent. You can try these events now in SMAPI 2.6+, but '''these are preview prototypes and may change at any time'''. See [[Modding:Migrate to SMAPI 3.0]] for details.
SMAPI 3.0 will introduce a new event system that's much more powerful, flexible, and consistent. You can try these events now in SMAPI 2.6+, but '''these are preview prototypes and may change at any time'''. See [[Modding:Migrate to SMAPI 3.0]] for details.
<tt>this.Helper.Events.Input</tt> has events raised when the player uses a controller, keyboard, or mouse in some way. Can be used with the [[../Input|input API]] to access more info or suppress input.
<table class="wikitable">
<td>ButtonPressed<br />ButtonReleased</td>
<td>Raised after the player pressed/released a keyboard, mouse, or controller button. This includes mouse clicks.
Event arguments:
* <tt>e.Button</tt>: the button pressed or released, as [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Input#SButton|an <tt>SButton</tt> constant]].
* <tt>e.Cursor</tt>: the [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Input#Check cursor position|cursor position and grab tile]].
* <tt>e.IsDown</tt>: a method which indicates whether a given button is currently pressed.
* <tt>e.IsSuppressed</tt>: a method which indicates whether a given button was suppressed by a mod, so the game itself won't see it.
'''Note:''' mods won't receive input sent to the chatbox.
<td>Raised after the player moves the in-game cursor.
Event arguments:
* <tt>e.OldPosition</tt>: the previous [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Input#Check cursor position|cursor position and grab tile]].
* <tt>e.NewPosition</tt>: the current [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Input#Check cursor position|cursor position and grab tile]].
<td>Raised after the player scrolls the mouse wheel.
Event arguments:
* <tt>e.Position</tt>: the current [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Input#Check cursor position|cursor position and grab tile]].
* <tt>e.Delta</tt>: the amount by which the mouse wheel was scrolled since the last update.
* <tt>e.OldValue</tt> and <tt>e.NewValue</tt>: the previous and current scroll value, cumulative since the game started. Mods should generally use <tt>e.Delta</tt> instead.
{{modding guide footer
{{modding guide footer

Revision as of 21:12, 10 June 2018

Creating SMAPI mods SMAPI mascot.png


SMAPI provides several C# events which let your mod respond when something happens (like when the player places an object) or run code periodically (like once per update tick).


A C# event is the way that SMAPI notifies mods when something happens. You can add any number of event handlers (methods to call) when an event is raised. Event handlers are usually added in your Entry method, though you can add and remove them anytime.

For example, let's say you want to print a message when the player loads a save. First you would choose the appropriate event from the list below (SaveEvents.AfterLoad), then add an event handler, and do something in your method code:

/// <summary>The main entry point for the mod.</summary>
public class ModEntry : Mod
    ** Public methods
    /// <summary>The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.</summary>
    /// <param name="helper">Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.</param>
    public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
        // SaveEvents.AfterLoad is the event
        // this.SaveEvents_AfterLoad is the method below you want to call
        SaveEvents.AfterLoad += this.SaveEvents_AfterLoad;

    /// <summary>The method called after the player loads their save.</summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
    private void SaveEvents_AfterLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
       this.Monitor.Log("The player loaded their game! This is a good time to do things.");
       this.Monitor.Log("Everything in the world is ready to interact with at this point.");

Tip: you don't need to memorise the method arguments. In Visual Studio, type SaveEvents.AfterLoad += and press TAB to auto-create a method. (There doesn't seem to be an equivalent feature in MonoDevelop.)


The available events are documented below.


ContentEvents are raised when the game loads content from its XNB files or changes locale.

event summary
AfterLocaleChanged Raised after the content language changes.


ControlEvents are raised when the player uses a controller, keyboard, or mouse. They're raised before the game handles the input, so it's possible to selectively prevent the game from responding to it. (That's beyond the scope of this guide, but it involves overwriting Game1.oldKBState, Game1.oldMouseState, and Game1.oldPadState.)

Most of these events are split into two variants, XPressed and XReleased. The Pressed variant is raised when the player presses the button (holding the button down only triggers the event once), and the Released variant is raised when they release it.

The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 2.6, and may change before release.
Note: mods won't receive input sent to the chatbox, or the toggle-chatbox key.
event summary
Raised after the player pressed/released a button on a gamepad or controller. These events aren't raised for trigger buttons.
Raised after the player pressed/released a trigger button on a gamepad or controller.
Raised after the player pressed/released a keyboard key.
KeyboardChanged Raised after the game's KeyboardState changed. That happens when the player presses or releases a key.
MouseChanged Raised after the game's MouseState changed. That happens when the player moves the mouse, scrolls the mouse wheel, or presses/releases a button.


GameEvents are raised when the game changes state.

event summary
FirstUpdateTick Raised after the game first updates its state. This happens once per game session (unrelated to loading saves).
UpdateTick Raised when the game updates its state (≈60 times per second).
SecondUpdateTick Raised every other tick (≈30 times per second).
FourthUpdateTick Raised every fourth tick (≈15 times per second).
EighthUpdateTick Raised every eighth tick (≈8 times per second).
QuarterSecondTick Raised every 15th tick (≈4 times per second).
HalfSecondTick Raised every 30th tick (≈twice per second).
OneSecondTick Raised every 60th tick (≈once per second).


GraphicsEvents are raised during the game's draw loop, when the game is rendering content to the window.

event summary
Raised before and after drawing the world to the screen.
When a menu is open (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null), raised before and after drawing that menu to the screen. This includes the game's internal menus like the title screen.
Raised before and after drawing the HUD (item toolbar, clock, etc) to the screen. The HUD is available at this point, but not necessarily visible. (For example, the event is called even if a menu is open.)
Resize Raised after the game window is resized.


InputEvents are raised when the player uses a controller, keyboard, or mouse.

The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 2.6, and may change before release.
Note: mods won't receive input sent to the chatbox, or the toggle-chatbox key.
event summary
Raised after the player pressed/released a keyboard, mouse, or controller button. The event arguments include:
  • the button pressed (as an SButton constant);
  • whether the input counts as a 'click' (including the controller equivalent);
  • the cursor position on the screen;
  • the tile under the cursor;
  • the 'grab tile' (i.e. the tile the game considers to be clicked).

You can also...

  • get the equivalent XNA button constants using button.TryGetKeyboard(…) and button.TryGetController(…);
  • prevent the game (but not other mods) from handling the input using eventArgs.SuppressButton().


LocationEvents are raised when the player transitions between game locations, a location is added or removed, or the objects in the current location change.

In SMAPI 2.6-beta.5 or earlier:

event summary
CurrentLocationChanged Raised after the player warps to a new location. Handlers are given the previous and new locations as arguments.
LocationObjectsChanged Raised after the list of objects in the current location changes (e.g. an object is added or removed). Handlers are given the new list of objects as an argument.
LocationsChanged Raised after a game location is added or removed. Handlers are passed the new list of locations as an argument.
The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 2.6-beta.7, and may change before release.

In SMAPI 2.6-beta.7 or later:

event summary
LocationsChanged Raised after a game location is added or removed (including building interiors). Handlers are passed lists of added/removed locations.
BuildingsChanged Raised after buildings is added/removed in any location. Handlers are given the location, and lists of added/removed buildings.
ObjectsChanged Raised after objects are added/removed in any location (including building interiors). Handlers are given the location, and lists of added/removed objects.


MenuEvents are raised when a game menu is opened or closed (including internal menus like the title screen).

event summary
MenuChanged Raised after a game menu is opened or replaced with another menu. This event is not invoked when a menu is closed. Handlers are given the previous menu (if any) and new menu (if any).
MenuClosed Raised after a game menu is closed. Handlers are given the previous menu.


MineEvents are raised when something happens in The Mines.

event summary
MineLevelChanged Raised after the player warps to a new level of the mine. Handlers are passed the previous and new mine level as arguments.


The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 2.6, and may change before release.

MultiplayerEvents are raised during the multiplayer sync process. These are specialised events; most mods shouldn't use these directly.

event summary
Raised before and after the game fetches data from other players and syncs the world to match.
Raised before/after the game sends world data to other players. This event is raised for the main world broadcast, but a few specialised broadcasts (particularly sprite broadcasts) occur outside this event.


PlayerEvents are raised when the player data changes.

event summary
InventoryChanged Raised after the current player's inventory changes in any way (added or removed item, sorted, etc).
LeveledUp Raised after the current player levels up a skill. This happens as soon as they level up, not when the game notifies the player after their character goes to bed.
The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 2.6-beta.7, and may change before release.
Raised after the current player moves to a new location.


SaveEvents are raised when the player saves or loads the game.

event summary
Raised before and after the game creates the save file (after the new-game intro). The save won't be written until all mods have finished handling this event.
AfterLoad Raised after the player loads a saved game (or starts a new save). The world is ready for mods to modify at this point.
Raised before and after the game updates the save file. Not raised for the initial creation. The save won't be written until all mods have finished handling this event.
AfterReturnToTitle Raised after the player exits to the title screen.


TimeEvents are raised when the in-game date or time changes.

event summary
AfterDayStarted Raised after the game begins a new day, including when loading a save.
TimeOfDayChanged Raised after the in-game clock changes.


SpecialisedEvents serve specialised edge cases and should not be used by most mods. Mods using specialised events will be flagged in the SMAPI console as potentially impacting the game stability.

expand for details 
event summary
UnvalidatedUpdateTick Raised after the game updates its state (≈60 times per second), regardless of normal SMAPI validation. This event is not thread-safe and may be invoked while game logic is running asynchronously. Changes to game state in this method may crash the game or corrupt an in-progress save. Do not use this event unless you're fully aware of the context in which your code will be run. Using this event will trigger a warning in the SMAPI console.

Events (SMAPI 3.0)

The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 3.0, and may change before release.

SMAPI 3.0 will introduce a new event system that's much more powerful, flexible, and consistent. You can try these events now in SMAPI 2.6+, but these are preview prototypes and may change at any time. See Modding:Migrate to SMAPI 3.0 for details.


this.Helper.Events.Input has events raised when the player uses a controller, keyboard, or mouse in some way. Can be used with the input API to access more info or suppress input.

event summary
Raised after the player pressed/released a keyboard, mouse, or controller button. This includes mouse clicks.

Event arguments:

  • e.Button: the button pressed or released, as an SButton constant.
  • e.Cursor: the cursor position and grab tile.
  • e.IsDown: a method which indicates whether a given button is currently pressed.
  • e.IsSuppressed: a method which indicates whether a given button was suppressed by a mod, so the game itself won't see it.

Note: mods won't receive input sent to the chatbox.

CursorMoved Raised after the player moves the in-game cursor.

Event arguments:

MouseWheelScrolled Raised after the player scrolls the mouse wheel.

Event arguments:

  • e.Position: the current cursor position and grab tile.
  • e.Delta: the amount by which the mouse wheel was scrolled since the last update.
  • e.OldValue and e.NewValue: the previous and current scroll value, cumulative since the game started. Mods should generally use e.Delta instead.