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'''Bug:''' A bug exists where if you park your horse behind the ice cream stand when nobody is there it will allow you to buy ice cream.
'''Bug:''' A bug exists where if you park your horse behind the ice cream stand when nobody is there it will allow you to buy ice cream.
'''Bug:''' A bug exists when riding a horse that crash your game when you you sleep riding the horse.
'''Bug:''' A bug exists where if you sleep riding your horse the game crashes.
==Animal Care==
==Animal Care==

Revision as of 22:57, 24 May 2017

Animals fulfill several roles on your farm. Some are wildlife, with which you cannot interact. You may have a pet, a cat or dog, with which you can form a friendship. You may get a horse to ride. And of course, you may buy "farm animals" that are a source of various kinds of produce, providing resources and profit.

Most animals (not pets or wildlife) require a building to house them. These may be obtained from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop, and usually require three days each for her to build. Baby "farm animals" (and related equipment needed for harvesting produce) can then be bought from Marnie's Ranch. Animals may also be hatched from an Incubator. As soon as an animal is acquired, it must be assigned to an existing farm building of the right kind, which is designated as its home. Each building has a limit to the number of animals to which it can serve as home. If at any later time, you wish to assign an animal to a different building, you can pet it, and the pop-up information box that appears has a control that allows you to make the reassignment.

Baby farm animals must first mature into adults before they are able to produce animal products. Each morning, adult animals that live in coops (chickens, ducks, rabbits and dinosaurs) have a chance of producing products that can be gathered from the floor of their building. Using the Milk Pail, cows can usually be milked daily, and goats can usually be milked once every two days. Sheep can be shorn with the Shears when their wool grows in, and pigs can be let outside to dig up truffles that you can then pick up from the barnyard.

Cat or Dog

The player is allowed to adopt either a cat or a dog. The animal you adopt is dependent on which you choose as your preferred one in the character creation menu.

Marnie will be waiting outside your door with a dog or cat on the first sunny morning after you earn data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1,000g. You must exit the Farmhouse between 6am and 9:30am on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday to trigger this event. Adopting the pet is optional (Marnie will ask if you want to keep it). You will be able to choose any name you want for your pet the moment you adopt it. (If you have not yet met Marnie when she comes with your pet, the meeting will count as an introduction.)


You can click on your pet once a day to pet it and it will show you its love DialogueBubbleLove.png.

Your pet has a maximum friendship of 1000, increasing by 12 every time you pet it. Every 200 points is equal to 1 level, and having 800 will make you eligible for 1 point in Grandpa's Evaluation.

When you reach 1000 friendship points with your pet, you will receive the popup message: " <Animal Name> loves you ♡"  Other than this message, there is no way to check your friendship level with your pet in-game.

There is a bowl on some wooden tiles on the top left side of your house that you can fill with water for your pet. If you water your pet's bowl, the next morning your pet's friendship will increase by 6 points. (Note that this event will not trigger if it is raining the next morning.)

Pet Bowl empty.png Pet Bowl full.png



The horse is an ingame mount that provides a +30% movement speed increase. If you leave it somewhere, it will find the way home by itself and be in the stable the next morning. It is obtained by purchasing the Stable from the Carpenter's Shop. Like Pets, the horse will be named upon obtaining it, but the prompt is only given when trying to ride the horse for the first time.

The horse can fit through all gaps like normal when travelling horizontally, but requires a space of 2 squares to travel vertically, meaning that while riding the horse, you cannot travel through all small gaps as if you were on foot. The horse does not slow down while riding through crops on the farm.

Bug: A bug exists when riding horse near a Wood Fence that gives you the ability to pass through the fence.

  • Horse riding bug 1
  • Horse riding bug 2

Bug: A bug exists where if you park your horse behind the ice cream stand when nobody is there it will allow you to buy ice cream.

Bug: A bug exists where if you sleep riding your horse the game crashes.

Animal Care



Animals that live in barns and coops have a friendship rating that can be seen by right-clicking the animal after petting (while holding hay, you can not open this window which can be useful if you accidentally open it a lot). The rating is out of 5 hearts, is shown in half-heart increments, and is taken into account when deciding how likely that animal is to produce higher-quality products if that animal is capable of producing them in the first place.

Each half-heart is equivalent to 100 points of friendship, making the maximum value of Friendship 1000.

Actions that affect friendship are as follows:

  • Petting (+15, or +30 if player has Shepherd or Coopmaster and animal is of relevant type)
  • Milking or Shearing (+5, No penalty for not being milked or sheared)
  • Eating Grass Outside (+8)

  • Not Fed (-20 Calculated day-end)
  • Trapped outside overnight (-20 Calculated day-end)
  • Not Pet/Talked to (-5 to -10, Calculated day-end by the formula: (10 - (CurrentFriendship / 200)))


Like friendship, an animal's current mood can be checked by right-clicking after petting the animal.

Mood is a very important factor when determining animal product quality and type. It is only taken into account when the game rolls animal produce at the beginning of the day, and has no effect otherwise.

Mood is a value from 0 to 255. You can estimate its current value from the message in the animals right click dialogue:

  • <Animal Name> looks really happy today! indicates Mood is at least 200 and at most 255.
  • <Animal Name> looks fine. indicates Mood is at least 30 and less than 200.
  • <Animal Name> looks sad. indicates Mood is at least 0 and less than 30.

Actions that affect Mood are as follows (every 10 minutes refers to ingame minutes):

  • Petting (+32 to +36 dependent on animal type, double amount if player has chosen the Shepherd or Coopmaster Profession and animal is of relevant type)
  • Eating Grass Outside (Sets Mood to 255)
  • Season is Winter, animal is in an area with a Heater, and has mood 150 or higher (+4 to +8 every 10 minutes past 6PM the Player stays awake, up to 255. Only one heater required. overrides all other "every 10 minutes" effects)
  • Animal was fed (+4 to +16, dependent on animal type, Calculated when the Player sleeps, checks whether the animal ate either hay or grass)
  • Animal outside after 6PM, but before 7PM, and has less than 150 Mood (+4 to +8 every 10 minutes does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect)

  • Animal outside in the rain or Winter (-4 to -8 every 10 minutes does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect)
  • Animal outside past 7PM (-4 to -8 every 10 minutes does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect)
  • Player staying awake past 6PM, animal inside Barn or Coop (-4 to -8 every 10 minutes the Player stays awake, until a minimum of 150 is reached.)
  • Animal slept outside (-Half of current Mood, Calculated when the Player sleeps)
  • Animal was not pet (-20 to -40, dependent on animal type, Calculated when the Player sleeps)
  • Animal was not fed (-100 Calculated when the Player sleeps)

To maximize Mood in seasons that are not winter, the player must pet their animals before they eat grass outside, and end their day as soon as possible after 6PM when all the animals are inside. Closing the door behind them will prevent them from eating grass outside before you can pet them.


Each animal type has a different amount of days required before they will be able to make a product. For example, cows and chickens can produce milk and eggs everyday, whereas a goat can only produce milk every other day.

If the animal has met the required amount of days to create their product, some additional checks will be made to determine if they will actually produce.

  • If the animal was not fed, it will not produce.
  • If the animal has less than 70 Mood, there is a chance it will not produce. The lower the mood, the less likely it will produce. (The percent chance it will still produce is equal to Mood/70)

Whether an animal produces a Deluxe or Large product, and the quality of the products, is determined at the very beginning of the day by some randomness as well as a combination of Mood and Friendship.

  • If an animal has 150 Mood or above, it will gain the ability to produce Quality and Large or Deluxe products. (Note, this is just the ability, the actual chance for these items is covered in the sections below, Quality and Large/Deluxe products are not guaranteed)
  • If an animal is below 150 Mood, it still has a chance to have the ability to produce Quality and Large or Deluxe products. The lower the mood, the less likely. (The percent chance to gain the ability is equal to Mood/150)

Special case: If an animal meets the requirement to produce something, but does not gain the ability to create a Quality or Large/Deluxe product, the game will not register the fact that it produced an item that day. In this case, animals that normally would take multiple days to produce, will produce again immediately the next day.

Deluxe and Large Products

A "Mood Modifier" is calculated when rolling for whether Deluxe produce (Large products, Duck Feathers, and Rabbit feet) will be created in the following ways:

  • If Mood is more than 200, it will be multiplied by 2
  • If Mood is 200 or less, it will be multiplied by Negative 2

This "Mood Modifier" will be used in different ways depending on the animal.

Try to avoid medium amounts of Mood to prevent high penalties.

Duck Feathers and Rabbit Feet

Ducks and rabbits will take into account the Daily Luck to determine if they will create their Deluxe produce.

For each duck or rabbit, an overall score is created using the following formula: (Friendship + Mood Modifier)/5000 + Daily Luck

For example, an animal with 600 Friendship (3 Hearts), 150 Mood, and 0.10 Daily Luck, would be calculated as:

=(600 + (150*(-2)))/5000 + 0.10

=(600-300)/5000 + 0.10


Each time a product is rolled, a random number between 0-1 is rolled against this score. If the overall score is higher than the random number, a Deluxe product will be created. At max Friendship, Mood, and Luck, you will have a 40% chance of getting a Deluxe product

Large Eggs and Milk

For animals that have a chance to produce a Large product, the game will take Mood and Friendship into account.

Each animal will have an overall score created with the following formula: (Friendship + Mood Modifier)/1200

For example, an animal with 600 Friendship (3 Hearts) and 150 Mood would be calculated as:

=((600 + (150*(-2)))/1200



Each time a product is rolled, a number between 0-1 is chosen randomly. If the overall score is higher than the random number, a Large product will be created. An overall score of at least 1200 will guarantee a Large product.


If the animal has the ability to produce a Quality item, it will roll for quality from normal to iridium.

Each animal will have an overall score created with the following formula: ((Friendship/1000) - (1 - (Mood/225))

For example, an animal with 600 Friendship (3 Hearts) and 150 Mood would be calculated thus:

=((600/1000) - (1 - (150/225))

=0.6 - (1 - 0.666...)

=0.6 - 0.333...


If the player has the Shepherd or Coopmaster Profession, and the animal is a relevant type, 0.33 will be added to the score.

The game will begin checking what quality to create by first seeing if the score value is above 0.95. If it is, the score divided by 2 will be compared against a random number between 0-1. If the score divided by 2 is greater than the random number, the item will be Iridium quality.

In our given example, a score of 0.266... is not above 0.95; the item would not be able to become Iridium.

If an Iridium quality item is not produced, the score divided by 2 will be compared against a random number between 0-1. If the score divided by 2 is greater than the random number, the item will be Gold quality.

In our given example, a score of 0.266... would be divided by 2 to become 0.133...; the item would have a 13% chance to become Gold quality.

If a Gold quality item is not produced, the score will be compared against a random number between 0-1. If it is greater than the random number, the item will be Silver quality.

In our given example, if the item was not Gold, it would have a 26.6% chance to be Silver quality.

If the item is not Silver quality, it will be Normal quality.


Buildings can be purchased from the Carpenter's Shop, and will be completed within a few days. Once placed, they can be moved around at the Carpenter's Shop as well.

Barns, Coops and Slime Hutches house animals, Silos store hay, and the Stable unlocks the Horse.


Animals do not die if not fed, but will become upset and cease production of animal products until feeding resumes.

Animals that live in barns and coops can eat either fresh grass (if allowed outside) or hay (if kept inside, or unable to find grass). These animals will have their mood changed to "very happy today!" upon eating fresh grass. Slimes only need to have their troughs filled with water from the watering can, and horses and pets do not need to eat.

If it is a festival day, animals do not need to be fed, the game will automatically consider them fed.

Newly hatched, born, or purchased animals do not need to be fed on the day they arrive on the farm, but baby animals thereafter eat the same amounts as adults.

Grass & Hay

Opening the gates of a Coop or Barn will allow animals to come outside (when the weather is not rainy, snowy, or stormy) and eat grass. The animals will return to their buildings by 6pm to sleep. Closing the gates again in the evening will prevent them from leaving immediately in the morning to eat grass. They can be opened again during the day to allow them to eat. Closing the gate before all the animals have returned will result in the ones being left out over night making them vulnerable to wolves and if not eaten they will have their mood reduced from being left out in the cold.

If the animals remain inside or do not find grass to eat, they will instead eat hay. To feed them hay you can take some by clicking on the hay hopper (which automatically takes hay from the silo) and put it in the feeding bench. The Deluxe Coop and the Deluxe Barn will distribute the hay automatically. Each animal eats one "portion" of hay per day.

Chickens fed.png

Once a silo has been constructed on the farm, using a scythe on grass will place hay inside the silo (50% chance per grass). Each silo holds 240 pieces of hay. Hay can then be gathered from hoppers inside barns and coops and placed in the feeding bins nearby. Building a silo before building animal buildings can make care much easier, though hay can be purchased from Marnie's Ranch even if the silo has not been built.

In the winter, snow covers the grass completely, making grazing impossible. Therefore, it may be advisable to use the scythe to cut some or all of the grass into hay before the end of the fall season to ensure enough reserve hay to feed your animals through the winter.

Animals Trapped Outside

An animal may be trapped outside a barn or coop if the doors are closed at night. The conditions that cause an animal to be trapped outside are not clear. It may be more likely for an animal to be trapped outside if the player does not leave the farm after 5pm (when animals begin to return to the barn/coop) and does not enter the barn/coop after 5pm. (Leaving the farm and entering the barn/coop after 5pm both seem to cause animals to transport or spawn to the inside of the barn/coop automatically).

If it rains the next day, and the animal was left out, the animal will stay outside in the rain. This is the only instance in which a farm animal will be outside during the rain.

An animal left outside its barn/coop will be grumpy the next day.

Wild Animal Attacks

If an animal has been trapped outside (see previous section) with the barn or coop doors closed, there is a chance they will be attacked by a wild animal during the night.

After the player goes to sleep, any events that will happen during the night (such as Bundle events) are calculated as normal. If no events are due to occur, there will be a 50% chance that the game will attempt to start a wild animal attack event. If this event proceeds, the game will go through all buildings to find a barn or coop that has their doors closed and has animals left outside.

For each building, the game takes a random number between 0 and 1 and compares it to 1/(the number of total farm buildings). If the random number is larger, the building is ignored. In other words, the more buildings the player has, the less likely that one will be attacked. For example, if the player has two farm buildings, each building has a 50% chance of being attacked, three buildings would give 33%, four would give 25% chance of being attacked, etc.

Once a building has been chosen, the event takes the first animal stuck outside from that building to be the target of the attack. The animal will be removed from the game and in the morning, all other animals will have a mood message saying "<animal name> looks stressed and paranoid today. It seems like something bad happened last night."

Animal Births

Similar to animal attacks, if there are no other events occurring in the night, there will be a 50% chance that the game will attempt an animal birth event. The game searches through all buildings for an upgraded Barn that isn't full. The game then makes another check where there is a 0.55% * (the number of animals inside) chance of proceeding with the event. For example, an upgraded barn with three animals inside would have a 1.65% chance of passing this check. If the building fails this check, the game will continue going through all buildings until none are left.

If a barn passes all these checks, a random animal inside is chosen. If the animal is not a baby and has pregnancy enabled, that animal will give birth.

Coop Animals

These animals cannot be purchased until a Coop is built on your farm, and must occupy a spot in a coop. They will leave their products inside the coop each morning.


Main article: Chicken

Adult chickens will produce eggs every morning if fed. Happier chickens may produce larger, more valuable eggs.

Image Name Cost Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
White Chicken.png Chicken data-sort-value="800">Gold.png800g Egg.png Egg - 50g
Large Egg.png Large Egg - 95g
Brown Chicken.png Chicken data-sort-value="800">Gold.png800g Brown Egg.png Brown Egg - 50g
Large Brown Egg.png Large Brown Egg - 95g
Blue Chicken.png Chicken data-sort-value="800">Gold.png800g Egg.png Egg - 50g
Large Egg.png Large Egg - 95g
Void Chicken.png Void Chicken n/a Void Egg.png Void Egg - 65g data-sort-value="1040">Gold.png1,040g

To obtain a Void Chicken; in a random event after you sleep, a witch will fly over one of your Chicken Coops, leaving you with a Void Egg in the morning. Alternatively, you can purchase a Void Egg from the Travelling Cart in Cindersap Forest or from Krobus for data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5,000g in The Sewers. After you obtain the Void Egg, putting the egg into an Incubator (you must have the Big Coop) will result in the hatching of a Void Chicken.

Whether you receive a white or brown chicken when purchasing from Marnie is random.

After seeing Shane's 8-heart event, each chicken you purchase from Marnie has a 1/4 chance of being blue. Aside from appearance, blue chickens are identical to white chickens.

You may receive a White, Brown, or Blue (If blue has been unlocked) Chicken from incubating an egg of either type (White or Brown).


Main article: Duck

Adult ducks will lay an egg or drop a Duck Feather every other day. Happier ducks have a higher chance to produce Duck Feathers instead of an egg.

Image Name Cost Requirements Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
Duck.png Duck data-sort-value="4000">Gold.png4,000g Big Coop Duck Egg.pngDuck Egg - 95g
Duck Feather.png Duck Feather - 125g


Main article: Rabbit
Image Name Cost Requirements Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
Rabbit.png Rabbit data-sort-value="8000">Gold.png8,000g Deluxe Coop Wool.png Wool - 340g
Rabbit's Foot.png Rabbit's Foot - 565g

Once sufficient friendship is reached, they can produce Rabbit's Foot automatically just like wool.


Main article: Dinosaur

To obtain a Dinosaur, a Dinosaur Egg must be found while Artifact hunting. Putting that egg into an Incubator will result in hatching a Dinosaur. The Dinosaur itself will act like any other coop animal, but it lays Dinosaur Eggs every 1-5 days and makes no sound.

Image Name Cost Requirements Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
Dinosaur.png Dinosaur n/a Big Coop Dinosaur Egg.png Dinosaur Egg - 350g data-sort-value="1278">Gold.png1,278g

Barn Animals

These animals cannot be purchased until a Barn is built on your farm, and must occupy a spot in a barn. Their products are either gathered with a tool, or in the case of pigs, left on the ground outside while grazing.

Barn animals may become pregnant at random if the pregnancy option is enabled on their status menu. This is opened by right-clicking on the animal after having done so to give it affection first. An icon to the right of the menu can be toggled to allow pregnancy for that animal. If an animal becomes pregnant, during the night a message box will pop up saying an animal gave birth. The game will then prompt you to choose a name for the new animal. For pregnancy to happen you need to have upgraded to a Big Barn and have enough room for another animal.


Main article: Cow
Image Name Cost Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
White Cow.png Cow data-sort-value="1500">Gold.png1,500g Milk.png Milk - 125g

Large Milk.png Large Milk - 190g

Brown Cow.png Cow data-sort-value="1500">Gold.png1,500g Milk.png Milk - 125g

Large Milk.png Large Milk - 190g


When interacted with, cows will stick their tongue out at you.


Main article: Goat
Image Name Cost Requirements Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
Goat.png Goat data-sort-value="4000">Gold.png4,000g Big Barn Goat Milk.png Goat Milk - 225g
Large Goat Milk.png Large Goat Milk - 345g

Goats produce milk every other day.


Main article: Sheep
Image Name Cost Requirements Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
Sheep.png Sheep data-sort-value="8000">Gold.png8,000g Deluxe Barn Wool.png Wool - 340g data-sort-value="10400">Gold.png10,400g

Sheep need to be shorn when their coat grows in. Shears can be purchased at Marnie's Ranch.

A sheep will normally grow in its coat every 3rd day if it has been fed and has at least 70 happiness.

If the player has 900 or more Friendship with the sheep and has pet it at least one time , it will reduce it to every other day.

If the player also has Shepherd, it will reduce the time required to regrow by a further day, making a sheep grow it's coat every single day.


Main article: Pig
Image Name Cost Requirements Produces 5 Heart Selling Price
Pig.png Pig data-sort-value="16000">Gold.png16,000g Deluxe Barn Truffle data-sort-value="625">Gold.png625g data-sort-value="20528">Gold.png20,528g

Pigs will find Truffles after being let outdoors. Truffles can be used in the Oil Maker to make Truffle Oil.

Collection will be affected by Foraging skill, allowing you to gather gold quality Truffles with a chance of double harvest.

During Winter, pigs will not produce Truffles since the field is covered in snow and they won't leave the barn.

Slime Hutch

Main article: Slime Hutch

Although technically not an animal, Slimes can reside on the farm similar to other animals. Slimes are unique in that they are not docile and harmless like other animals. They are similar in appearance and behavior to Slimes found elsewhere in the game, and will attack and damage the player if able to. They are obtained by placing a Slime Egg in a Slime Incubator, either a player-crafted one or the built-in one that comes with the Slime Hutch.

Slimes produce Template:ItemLinks, and do so only when both male and female Slimes are present in the same location, and when given access to water via the troughs in the Slime Hutch. The Slime Ball can be right-clicked to release multiple Template:ItemLink items. These piles of slime have a chance of appearing daily, much like the products of coop animals.

Male and female slimes will also occasionally breed with each other. The color of the resulting offspring will fall anywhere on a spectrum between the parents' colors (e.g. a green slime may breed with a red slime to produce a yellow or orange slime).

Slime Eggs can be obtained as rare drops from Slimes or by compressing 100 Slime items in a Slime Egg-Press. They come in various colors and will produce slimes of the same color as the egg. Slimes of any color can breed with slimes of any other color.

Slimes incubated or bred in this way can be fought and killed just like any other slimes, and will drop items. A slime hutch can become a very dangerous place after even a few eggs have hatched, and it is advised that players take caution. It is recommended that the player obtain the Slime Charmer Ring before attempting large-scale slime farming.

It is also important to note that once the hutch has more than 5 Slimes, there is a 3.5% chance per night per slime to escape and disappear.

In a random event after going to sleep, a Witch will fly over the Slime Hutch, turning all of the Slimes into Black Slimes.

Other Animals

Many animals cannot be interacted with, such as rabbits, squirrels, green frogs, crows, woodpeckers, sparrows (small brown birds), and the sea serpent. Squirrels may occasionally cause Hazelnuts or other tree seeds to fall to the ground.


Butterflies are abundant, and come in many colors, though they can only be seen in spring and summer. To see butterflies, walk around, shake or chop trees.



Owls as they can only be seen in data.

Owls are somewhat uncommon, and can only be seen at night (7:00pm-2:00am). They have been seen in all seasons.



Fireflies can be seen everywhere at night, particularly in Cindersap forest, during the summer. They create a small glow of light around them.



Seagulls appear at the beach. They can be seen floating in the water, doing nothing, or cleaning themselves with their beak. Should the player get too close, they will fly away.
