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<center>{{Quote|[[File:Junimo Hut.png|40px]]<big>  We are the Junimos... Keepers of the forest.</big>[[File:Junimo.gif|50px]]}}</center>
<center>{{Quote|[[File:Junimo Hut.png|40px]]<big>  We are the Junimos... Keepers of the forest.</big>[[File:Junimo.gif|50px]]}}</center>
[[Modding:Schedule data]]

Latest revision as of 13:34, 3 July 2023

Main article: zh:User:Shirotsuki
Junimo Hut.png We are the Junimos... Keepers of the forest.Junimo.gif


Modding:Schedule data





First Meeting

“Oh... Hello! I'm Penny...”


“Hi... Oh, did you want something?”
“I'm tutoring Vincent and Jas today... They're a handful, but it's nice to make a difference in someone's life.”
“We don't have a school here but I'm doing my best to give Vincent and Jas a proper education. Every child deserves a chance to be successful. Jas is very good at math and reading. Vincent is good at... well, he has an active imagination.”
“We're very lucky to have a library in such a small town. When you're lost in a book, it's easy to forget the realities of your life. ...Maybe that's why I like reading so much. ...Sorry. I got carried away there.”
“If you dig in the dirt you can find some interesting things. One time I found a really old piece of pottery. I brought it to Gunther and he said it was over a thousand years old.”
“This is such a small town. You can't avoid meeting everyone. I wonder what is like to live in the city?”
“Hello. Ummm... The weather's interesting today, don't you think? Sorry...”

2+ Hearts

“You know what? I should take the children on a field trip some time. Maybe to the forest. A guest speaker would be nice... maybe someone familiar with nature? Sorry, I'm just thinking out loud.”
“Things changed a lot after the JojaMart went up. It's been really bad for Pierre's shop. Mom loves JojaMart, though. The prices are cheap, so she can afford a lot more there than she ever could at Pierre's.”
If Joja is closed down:
“Mom's been complaining ever since JojaMart closed down. I think it's good for her, though. Maybe she'll drink less Joja Cola now.”

4+ Hearts

“I'm trying to save money from my tutoring job, but it's hard with my mother out of work.”
If bus is operating
“Maybe now that my mother has her bus driving job back, I can start saving more money. Things are looking a little brighter.”
“I've lived in Pelican Town my whole life. Can you believe that? I guess there's a lot out there I'll never experience.”
“Dishes, dishes, dishes. Ugh... If my mother wasn't always nursing a headache from her late nights at the saloon, maybe she could help around the house a little.”
“I've been trying to keep our place clean, but it always gets messy again. It's hard to run a household all by yourself.”

6+ Hearts, Thursday:

“I wish I could keep a garden, but our yard is such a mess. Maybe I'll live in a place where I can have a garden someday. Maybe I'll live on a farm! *giggle*”

8+ Hearts, Monday:

“I'm eager to move out. It's such a burden to be worrying about Mom all the time. I want her to be happy, but I can't stay here forever... you know?”

Dating / 10 Hearts, Tuesday:

“Um, [Player]? A farm seems like a good place for children, don't you think? It was just a thought I had.”



“Hi... Um, nice weather, isn't it?”


“My mother used to drive the bus to Calico Desert... But the bus stopped working a few years ago. Mayor says there's not enough money in the town coffers, or else he'd have it fixed.”
If bus is operating
“I heard you were responsible for fixing the bus back up. Thank you.”


“Hello. Ummm...The mountains look nice today, don't they?”


“So... do you like to decorate your farm house? It must be nice having your own place to decorate.”

4+ Hearts, Monday:

“Hello, [Player]. It's nice to see you're doing well.”
Community Center Restored
“Thanks for fixing the community center back up. I guess you're kind of a town hero.”



“"Hi... Um, are you doing okay?”


“Fall is a sad time of year for me...”

4+ Hearts

“It's kind of embarrassing to be the only family in town who lives in a trailer. I wish I could live in a nice house, someday.”
“Your farm looks really pretty right now.”

6+ Hearts

“Mom doesn't take very good care of herself... I worry about her.”
“When I was a little girl, my father abandoned us because he said he felt 'trapped'. We haven't seen him since. I'm sorry to make things uncomfortable for you... It's just that this time of year makes me think of it for some reason. Anyway... How's the farming life going?”

8+ Hearts, Saturday:

“Hi [Player]. Your farmhouse must be pretty easy to clean, huh?”

Dating / 10 Hearts, Sunday

“[Player]! I was just thinking about the future... Where do you picture yourself in ten years? I have a few ideas for myself...”



“On the 25th we'll be having the Feast of the Winter Star. It's one of my favorite events. It's supposed to be a time to show gratitude for all the good things in your life... but for most people it's just a time to relax and exchange gifts.”


“I try to stay indoors as much as possible during the winter. I hate being cold.”


“Oh... hi. You want to talk? If you find any interesting artifacts or minerals, Gunther will gladly display them in the museum. He told me he has special gifts for people who donate.”



2+ Hearts, Friday:

“Are you friends with Linus? He lives in a tent up in the mountains.

Everyone ignores him, the poor guy. He's actually really nice... Just a little odd. It must be so cold to live in a tent this time of year.”

4+ Hearts, Tuesday:

“I'm looking forward to seeing what your farm looks like in the spring. It's going to be so fresh and beautiful.”

'Hated items' related

“A word of warning, my mother really hates '[name of random hated item]'. Just the thought of it can make her depressed.”
“Did you know that my mother hates '[name of random hated item]'? She finds it absolutely awful. I'm not sure why.”
“If you want my mother to dislike you, give her '[name of random hated item]'. She hates it with a passion. I think she might be allergic.”

After upgrading Pam's house

“What you did for my family is so generous. Thank you!”

If anonymous

“There are some truly wonderful people in the world...”


“The raindrops are really loud on the metal roof of our trailer. ...It's soothing, though.”

Outside the Museum

“I'm going to go inside, I just wanted a quiet moment.”

Doctor Visit

“I have an appointment at the clinic this afternoon.”
“Hey! A little privacy, please?”

At Ginger Island

“This island is so beautiful!”
“This sand is so soft and fine. It feels great on my toes!”
“I'm a little embarrassed wearing my bathing suit in public. I hope no one's looking...”
“Somehow, the water here looks so different... I can hardly believe this is the same ocean I've been gazing at my entire life.”
“The wind keeps making me lose my page, but it feels really great on the skin.”
“I'm reading a book about a sailor who washes up on a deserted island. I wonder what I would do in that sort of a situation?”
“I had a great time.”

If married:

“Hey honey, do you mind standing a little to the left? Thanks, the sun was making it a little bit hard to read!”

If Penny accepts the Bouquet.

“... You want to get more serious? I feel the same way.”

If Penny received the Wilted Bouquet

“... I... I see... *sniff* ... W... We can just be friends, then.”

When engaged

“[Player].. I'm a little scared. This is such a big change! Don't worry, I'm really happy, too.”
“We're going to have a little farm family, soon. I'm so glad you feel this way about me.”

After Group 10 Heart Event

“I can't bear to see you...”
“You've left a permanent scar on my heart, [Player]. Still... I'm ready to speak to you again.”

Egg Festival

Odd-numbered year

“The children have been looking forward to this festival for weeks.”

Even-numbered year

“Hopefully Vincent will be able to find an egg this year... It would be good for him to feel like he's a contender.”

If married:

“Maru's trying to convince me to eat a deviled egg. I'm just not sure I can stomach it...”

Flower Dance

“*gulp*... I'm nervous.”

(asked to be dance partner, refused request.)

“Oh... No, thanks.”

The Luau

“We do this festival every year to give the governor a taste of everything the valley has to offer.

Mayor Lewis hopes it will get the governor on our good side. That's why he's so neurotic about the way the soup tastes.”

If married:

“I'm just humoring some old friends. What I really want is a bowl of that soup.”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

“Life is so easy for a jellyfish... just letting the waves carry you onward forever.”

Stardew Valley Fair

“I won the wheel of chance ten times in a row and now the man won't let me play anymore...”

If married:

“I hope we win the grange display contest!”

Spirit's Eve

“The vapor from this cauldron... it's making my head spin, but I can't seem to leave...”

If married:

“Oh... These vapors... Hmmm... You look nice tonight.”

Festival of Ice

“Hmm... What kind of snowman should we make?”
A classic one. Carrot nose, top-hat, scarf. (No effect on friendship.)
"I guess maybe it's best to stick with the classics, huh?"
Something funky. Icicle antennas, pine cone eyes. (No effect on friendship.)
"Okay! That sounds like fun."
Snowmen are boring. Think outside of the box! (No effect on friendship.)
"Um, okay... I think I might stick with something more conventional."

If married:

“Are you entering the fishing contest this year, [Player]? My mom's pretty serious about winning.”

Night Market

“Can you smell that? The air is so spicy here...”

Feast of the Winter Star

“What a beautiful tree.”

If married:

“I'm thankful to have met you...”
After Marriage 

Indoor Days

“It's so peaceful here. I used to have the most horrific nightmares, but now I sleep like a baby.”
“You know, I think I'll read a book today. I picked up something new from the library last time I was there. Gunther asked me to say hi.”
“I love to hear about all the artifacts you've found. Archaeology is fascinating! To think... there may have been farmers at this very spot 10,000 years ago.”
“Was I shy when we first met? It's funny to think about, now that we've come so far.”
“This place is so big compared to the trailer, I feel overwhelmed... In a good way!”
“Life sure is different since we got married...”

In her side room

“I always wanted my very own library. This is so charming. I like to do a little reading first thing in the morning. It gets my brain into gear”

Giving breakfast

“Good morning, [Player]! I made you a hot breakfast. It's important to me that you leave here with a full belly.”

Outdoor Days

“I only ever dreamed of living in such a beautiful place, and now it's come true. I was so miserable back home.”
“Isn't this the perfect place to raise children? I would've been so happy growing up on a farm.”
“Hi honey, if I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry! I'll be thinking of you.”
“I just saw a songbird flying due west. In Stardew Valley that's a very good omen.”
“Ahh... It feels great to be outside. I could spend all day right here, observing every little thing.”
“I'm really happy on our little farm, [Player].”

On patio

“This is a lot more peaceful than my old spot in town. I'm very happy here.”

Indoor Nights

“Good evening, honey. Did you accomplish everything you wanted to today? If not, that's okay. We've got all the time in the world!”
“Hmm... skirt or pants tomorrow? Oh, who am I kidding... I always go with the skirt.”
“We have it good here. We should always try and remember those less fortunate than us. I'm just grateful for what we have.”
Mom's probably pretty lonely now that I'm gone. I just hope she doesn't visit the saloon more to make up for it. You shouldn't feel bad! Mom has to solve her own problems.”
“Ready to tuck in? I made the bed and everything...”
“Hi there, honey. Ready to spend a quiet evening at home?”

Rainy Days

“On rainy days my thoughts always drift toward cinnamon and cookies.”
“I wonder if Maru and Dr. Harvey will ever get together? I'm sure Harvey likes her... I think Maru will have to make the first move, though.”
“Hmm... Maybe I should experiment with a new recipe. You liked the last recipe I made, didn't you, honey? What was it called... 'Chili de [Player]?'”
“On days like this, I love to curl up with a good book.”
“I think I might do some baking today.”

Giving gift

“Hi, honey! I did some shopping this morning and got this for you. I thought you could really use one of the those.”

Rainy Nights

“How was your day, honey? I spent my afternoon reading a novel.”
“I'm sure Mom's at the saloon right now... But I don't feel so bad about it anymore. It's out of my hands.”
“I was just thinking about that night we met in the bathhouse. I'll never forget that night”
“The sound of rain used to bother me, when I lived in that old metal trailer. But it's quite soothing here.”
“Oh... the smell? I tried to do some baking... It didn't work out too well.”

Giving food

“I felt like making a nice dinner. I hope you like it.”

Going Out

“I'm going to head into town today, just for fun. I'll be back in awhile!”
“I had a nice time... It's good to stay in contact with everyone. Tell me about your day.”

At Pierre's General Store

“Hi, honey! I'm just doing some shopping.”
“Don't worry, I'm using my own money to buy this.”

At the bench south of the Saloon

“I wonder if Maru will get married some day?”

At Ginger Island

“Hey honey, do you mind standing a little to the left? Thanks, the sun was making it a little bit hard to read!”

At the Museum

“Hi, honey. It's nice of you to visit me at work.”

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

“I have to go into town today. Don't work too hard, and eat something good for lunch!”
“Good evening. My day was fine, thanks! How was yours? Jas and Vincent weren't behaving very well today. I'm still all wound up...”

High Hearts

“[Player]... I still can't believe we're married...”
“I had dreams of marrying you for such a long time.”
“I knew you were the one from the moment you moved here...”
“This place is really starting to feel like home.”
“Be careful out there! Sometimes I worry that you aren't eating enough wholesome food.”
“I was just admiring my wedding amulet. The shell is flawless. It must have cost you a fortune!”

If male

“Wow, you look really handsome today! Did you shave?”

If female

“Wow, you look beautiful today. Did you do something different with your hair?”

Pregnant Spouse

“Sweetie, I'm pregnant. Isn't it wonderful?”

After having one child

“Have you had any time to play with [child] today? Maybe a second child will make things better.”
“Little [child] is going to have such a great childhood here.”
“I feel a lot older now that we have a child. Maybe it's just this new responsibility weighing on me. It's not bad! I've wanted this for a long time.”

After having two children

“I already gave [child] and [child] their food. They're such hungry children!”
“We have to make sure and give [first child] a lot of attention now that we have [second child]. We don't want any jealousy between them.”
“I've had this dream that [child] grew wings and flew into the night sky. What does it mean?”
“A nice house, two wonderful kids, and a beautiful plot of land. We're so very fortunate.”


“I'm so happy to see some greenery after that long white winter.”

Spring 1

“We've got a long, warm year to look forward to. Let's make it a productive one.”

Spring 8

“Spring is probably my favorite season. There's a certain freshness in the air that fills me with hope.”

Spring 15

“Ah, the 'spring cleaning'... I'm going to actually enjoy this.”

Flower Dance. When asked to be dance partner

“*whisper* Thanks for going through with the formalities, dear.”


“Are you growing any melons this summer?”

Summer 1

“Summer may be searing hot, but the humidity feels great on the skin.”

Summer 2

“In summer, the ants become very active. I could watch them for hours. They have a pretty complex civilization from the looks of it!”

Summer 16

“*phew*... I need to eat more melon to combat this heat!”


“It's so peaceful out here on the farm. I never appreciated nature that much living in town.”

Fall 1

“Fall... It makes me think of colored paper and glue. Maybe I'm spending too much time with the children.”

Fall 2

“Will you grow any giant pumpkins this year?”

Fall 5

“The smell of fall reminds me of the smell of books... weird, isn't it?”


“"I'm going to do a lot of reading this winter.”

Winter 1

“Winter's a good time to unwind a bit. You deserve it after the long year!”

Winter 3

“How will we stay afloat this winter? Oh, you don't have to tell me... I trust you to make the right decisions.”

Winter 6

“The falling snow reminds me of grandma, rocking by the fire. I mostly remember her shadow flickering against the orange wood. That was long ago.”

Special Summit Cutscene Dialogue

“We have a beautiful home and a thriving family... it's all I've ever dreamed of, and more.”

After Divorce

“...Please, leave me alone.”
