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If the 'file or assembly' starts with Microsoft or System (like "FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.[...]' or one of its dependencies") OR you get something like "The library '[...].dll' required to execute the application is not found in 'C:\Program Files\dotnet`" (often this is hostpolicy.dll), something is wrong with the core frameworks used by the game. Common fixes:

(Stardew now comes packaged with the dependencies needed to run, so you shouldn't need to install them yourself.) You may also see an error like this if you installed SMAPI manually (by renaming the .bat to a .zip and moving files yourself). Try reinstalling SMAPI using the installer if that is the case.

OutOfMemoryException errors (Windows only)

Your log shows OutOfMemoryException errors in the console, and the game may severely lag or crash. That means your game ran out of available memory mid-session. Some common fixes:

  • Make sure you have the latest Stardew Valley 1.6, which is 64-bit and doesn't have the 32-bit limitations of older versions.
  • If you still get the error, you might need to remove content mods you don't need (particularly content packs for Custom Music or TMXL Map Toolkit, which can use a lot of memory).

SMAPI takes forever to load! (Select Mode)

Make sure you're not in Select Mode (noted by the word "Select" top left corner of the SMAPI Window.) This mode pauses loading so you can see what the console says, and you can enter it by selecting any text on the SMAPI console. **To Fix**: Just click on the console and hit enter a few times to get out of it.

The Select mode indicator

Other issues